Home Remedies for Dermatitis Healing. Dermatitis is a health problem related to skin health. It has some kinds such as contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis, and others.
The existence of a burning sensation, redness, itching, swelling and inflammation are symptoms of dermatitis. Besides, there is also dermatitis resulting blisters on the skin.
The primary cause of dermatitis is a buildup of toxins in the body, irritation, environmental conditions, allergies, nutritional deficiencies and the even cause could be genetics. Dermatitis is usually more prone to happen in those who have thinner skin.
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A variety of ways can be used for the treatment of dermatitis. You can treat it medically or by using the traditional way. Some natural ingredients can be found in the kitchen to treat dermatitis.
The Following 10 Home Remedies for Dermatitis
1. Coconut oil
Coconut oil contains antimicrobial properties and moisturizers that can alleviate the problem of dermatitis in just a few days. Rub coconut oil on the affected area of dermatitis, even better if you use pure coconut oil every going to bed.
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2. Oatmeal
Oatmeal can also cure dermatitis. This time, you do not eat oatmeal but use it as a material for a shower. The oatmeal bath can help with skin irritation, skin rash, and itching. Oatmeal bath are also able to cope with dry skin.
Take one cup of finely ground oatmeal and mix with the warm bath water. Soak the affected body part in water for 15 to 20 minutes. Make this home remedy for one month.
3. Apple cider vinegar
Other home remedies for dermatitis healing is apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar will reduce the problem of itching and inflammation of the skin affected by dermatitis.
How to make a home remedy of apple cider vinegar is to interfere in apple vinegar with warm water in the same amount. Take a cotton ball, dab apple cider vinegar in a place exposed to dermatitis. Let stand for 30 minutes and wash with warm water using a cotton cloth.
Practice for a few weeks to see the benefits of the treatment.
If you want another way, you can consume as much apple cider vinegar as two tablespoons, mix with a glass of warm water. Do it three times a day.
See More: Health Benefits of apple cider vinegar
4. Using Aloe Vera
The next home remedy for dermatitis is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is a natural ingredient that is great for inflammation as occurs in dermatitis. Aloe Vera will reduce the itching of the skin and re-balance the skin pH.
Treating dermatitis with Aloe Vera is by applying Aloe Vera gel on dermatitis affected skin for several weeks.
Another alternative is drinking Aloe Vera juice to get glowing and healthy skin naturally.
5. Vitamin E
It is a huge home remedy for dermatitis. Vitamin E oil will accelerate healing by avoiding the itching and inflammation of the skin.
Apply vitamin E oil on your skin when going to sleep at night. In addition to vitamin E oil, you can also apply a cream containing vitamin E.
Home remedies for dermatitis that are easier are foods that contain vitamin E regularly such as sunflower seeds, in addition to peanuts, wheat germ oil, etc.
6. Honey
Who does not know honey? The honey ingredient is often used in addressing the problem of inflammation. Honey contains natural ingredients that contain anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties.
How to make potions: Mix honey, beeswax and olive oil with the same comparison. Heat this mixture over the fire to be like an ointment. Use ointment of honey every day to cure dermatitis.
More: Honey Health Benefits
7. Chamomile
Chamomile is therapeutic and able to counteract the adverse effects of the affected skin dermatitis. Submerge flowers of chamomile 2-3 teaspoons into the water and let stand for 15 minutes. Once cool, dip a clean cloth and apply on the affected body dermatitis. Do this several times a day.
Chamomile oil can also cause allergies, so before using it, please try it first with a patch test.
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8. Neem Leaf
Furthermore, a home remedy for dermatitis is Neem leaves. This potion will restore the health of your skin to its original state and keeps your skin from various infections.
Mix one tablespoon of sesame oil, turmeric powder and Neem leaves. Mix until a paste and apply this home remedy on the affected skin dermatitis. Silent few hours before washing and do for a few months to heal dermatitis.
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9. Turmeric
Turmeric herb is famous as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Heat 1 liter of water and enter one-half teaspoon of turmeric powder. Then reheat and remove and allow to cool.
Furthermore, the housing herb drink or wash the affected places dermatitis. Do it every day for several months.
10. Slippery Elm
It is the best home remedy for dermatitis healing. Slippery Elm contains mucus, so it is formulated to moisturize the skin and promote healing.
Wash Slippery Elm and milled into a powder. Make this powder into a paste by adding a little water. Slippery Elm then applies a paste on the skin dermatitis. Do it three times a day until there is an improvement in the dermatitis that you suffer from.
These are 10 home remedies for dermatitis healing. Dermatitis is not a serious problem that should be treated with expensive, but you can treat using traditional ingredients or home remedies. But you also should not underestimate the problems of skin like this.
You can use a home remedy to treat dermatitis. If you don’t feel any improvement after using home remedies for dermatitis, you can consult a dermatologist.