Today we talk about How to Increase Stamina naturally. Do you feel your energy is weak all day, and this causes your productivity to decrease, or you feel your breathing as exhausted, or feel tired quickly. If this is what you are experiencing, most likely you are in need of stamina enhancers.
The food you eat every day is related to the amount of stamina you get. But once again, good food and healthy and free of chemicals greatly affect the performance of your body in preparing stamina. Here we are talking about how to increase stamina through healthy food.
The following is a list of foods that contribute a lot of stamina to you. So, keep watching the article until it’s finished.
12 Foods to Increase Stamina
1. Banana to increase stamina
Bananas are healthy foods that are rich in nutrients and they are included in the list of foods that increase stamina naturally. One banana that you consume every day with a medium size can contribute as much as 105 kilocalories of calories, 27 grams of carbohydrates and provide 3 grams of fiber.
Banana is a fruit that is rich in magnesium and is beneficial for increasing the body’s metabolism so that overall body health can be improved.
A study revealed that consuming bananas can maintain the stamina of a cycling athlete for 75 km.
2. Nuts to increase stamina
Other healthy foods that can provide stamina naturally are nuts. Nuts, including foods that can provide energy quickly. Consuming only a handful of nuts can provide energy, generate bioactive compounds, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. So consuming nuts can be an alternative to keep your stamina awake.
In addition, consuming nuts regularly is good for increasing omega-3 fatty acids in the body which will provide good blood flow throughout the muscles and this will increase your stamina.
Omega 3 fatty acids are good ergogenic supplements in increasing the stamina of athletes. Consuming nust can maintain stamina and increase muscle performance to the maximum.
3. Consume brown rice
Carbohydrates are important nutrients for the body and every day the body needs a number of carbohydrates to be active and able to move well. If you lack carbohydrates, your performance in a day will decrease and your productivity will also decline.
In 100 grams of brown rice already contains 112 kcal kcal. In addition there are also 2 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein and contains minerals and essential vitamins.
Brown rice is very healthy compared to white rice. Red rice is rich in fiber that is needed in the body’s digestion. This high fiber makes the digestive system difficult and requires a longer time to digest food. In essence, making the body full longer and provide better stamina.
Eating high carbohydrate foods makes your muscles relax and relax the skin from tension and fatigue.
4. Fatty fish
Other healthy foods that can increase stamina are fatty fish. This fish is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids. In 100 grams of wild salmon already contains 142 kcal of energy, 20 grams of protein, vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids.
So, it is very good to make fatty fish as a food to repair lost energy.
Why are omega-3 fatty acids important in increasing stamina? A study revealed that the lack of omega 3 fatty acids makes a person experience a significant decrease in stamina and cause a decrease in immunity.
Salmon fish contains 3 mg of vitamin B12, tuna contains 2 mg of vitamin B12. What are the benefits of vitamin B12? It turns out that vitamin B12 helps the body’s metabolism, increases stamina and reduces fatigue.
5. Eggs: Food to increase stamina
The Eggs are a source of nutrients such as protein and include foods that are very nutritious for the body. Eggs also include foods rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Protein-rich foods are foods that can build stamina and energy. It also increases positive energy, endurance, and muscle recovery. Leucine is a pretty much amino acid in eggs and the benefit of leucine is that it helps in metabolizing the body.
6. Consuming apples
How to increase stamina through food can also be tried by consuming apples. Apples are healthy fruits that are rich in calories, carbohydrates, fiber, iron, minerals and rich in vitamins.
Among the compounds found in apples is quercetin. This is the polyphenol present in apples that is useful for increasing body immunity, eliminating inflammation, and keeping you stamina throughout the day.
Apples are fruits that are rich in soluble fiber, and this can increase satiety, keeping your stomach full and full of energy throughout the day.
7. Eat chicken
Eating chicken is also an easy way to increase stamina through healthy food. Chicken is a storehouse of lean protein. Fried chicken without skin contains 19 grams of protein and contains 110 kcal.
Foods high in protein such as chicken breast are foods that are able to feel full, low in calorie intake, and carbohydrates. This nutrient works to build energy and stamina.
8. Sweet Potato
Who doesn’t know sweet potatoes, this is a very healthy tuber food consumed. Not only filling but sweet potatoes can also increase your stamina. In addition, sweet potatoes also include healthy foods that are full of essential nutrients.
If we consume 100 grams of sweet potatoes, this already produces 86 kcal of energy, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of protein, and also contains 3 grams of fiber.
Complex carbohydrates and fiber take longer to digest by the body. So, sweet potatoes are useful bulbs to increase stamina.
9. Beans
Furthermore, a way to increase stamina with healthy food is to consume beans, which is one healthy food that is full of nutritional value. In 100 grams of beans contain 337 kcal of energy, 23 grams of protein and 61 grams of carbohydrates and the remaining 15 grams of fiber. Beans contain juice that is slow in digestion. This slow process causes stamina to last a long time.
In addition, beans are also rich in magnesium, which is important for the body in accelerating biochemical pathways and in releasing energy.
10. Dried fruits
Dried fruit provides energy quickly, such fruits are rich in bioactive compounds, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. They also include foods that are rich in sugar, and they also provide a lot of energy.
If your glucose level is high, or when you experience an increase in blood sugar, you can try consuming dried fruit. Dried fruit such as raisins, usually have high levels of sugar but low glycemic index so it does not affect the increase in your blood sugar.
They also include foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are responsible for providing energy, stamina, and are good in increasing endurance.
Also see: Magical Foods to Burn Fat
11. Consuming coffee
The next way to increase stamina through healthy food or healthy drinks is to routinely drink coffee even if it’s not much. In coffee there is caffeine and it functions as an alkaloid which is naturally beneficial for getting rid of fatigue.
Coffee can stimulate the brain, making you more alert, and active. Coffee can be consumed in certain amounts (may not be excessive). It stimulates brain energy, makes you concentrate. To build stamina and eliminate mirain, coffee in certain can cure it.
12. Dark chocolate for increasing stamina
Dark chocolate contains more caffeine than milk chocolate. The taste is also very strong, so caffeine does not only improve brain performance, but it also helps reduce anxiety.
There is a study conducted on dark chocolate, and it turns out dark chocolate can improve exercise performance and deliver oxygen to the brain during the training period.
While other studies on 30 healthy people who consume dark chocolate prove that dark chocolate can improve mood, increase stamina, and can reduce fatigue.