Essential oils for Poison Ivy has been using since a long time in the world. This is thanks to the content of drugs within such as analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial. Poison Ivy is a serious condition that is caused by a plant called Poison Ivy. It is a poisonous plant that grows in the United States, it grows in the form of shrubs or like wine propagation. The Poison Ivy plant is known scientifically by the name of Toxicodendron radicans. Its is very dangerous and can cause serious reactions in more than 80% of people who contact with them.
If Poison Ivy is eaten or sucked it will be fatal. In some cases, serious allergies occur in those affected by the leaves. Way to recognize poison ivy plant is from its leaves that tipped three, the sap is full of toxic chemicals, it is urushiol. This substance that causes allergic skin.
Before we see the essential oils for poison ivy, let’s know the symptoms of poison ivy. Symptoms can occur if someone is contact to this plant directly or rub the sap on clothes or other furniture. When the skin is affected, there will be swelling and a severe rash and spread. Beside that, touch with poison ivy can also cause blisters to itching. One effective way of treatment for this issue is using essential oils for poison ivy. However, its use there are side effects. But do not panic, if treatment is done with moderate and responsible then poison ivy can be cured well.
Best Essential Oils for Poison Ivy and How to Use
As we mentioned earlier, one treatment against poison ivy is essential oil. So, if you choose this oil for the treatment path, take the essential oils such as myrrh, lavender, tea tree, geranium, cypress, eucalyptus, rose oil and helichrysum.

1. Lavender Oil
Lavender is well known as a versatile essential oil. What’s interesting about this oil is its healing properties and its restorations. If you use lavender oil as a medicine, you will soon get help from this irritating condition. Here’s how to use it:
How to use: The use of lavender oil does not need to melt with carrier oil, but it is different if you have sensitive skin. Put 4-5 drops on the affected skin area, repeat several times a day until the rash and itching subside.
2. Eucalyptus Oil
Next is the eucalyptus oil. This is one of the best essential oils for poison ivy. Eucalyptus oil gives a good menthol sensation to relieve heat and rash. Use regularly for maximum results.
How to Use: Similar to lavender oil, eucalyptus also does not need to melt. You can use directly on the affected skin to poison ivy. This oil will absorb slowly into the skin. Squirt one to two times a day.
3. Cypress Oil
A person who experiences poison ivy will usually experience a second time dangerous (secondary). This happens because they scratch their skin to abrasions or rashes. Using cypress essential oils provides good antiseptic help for poison ivy. Another benefit is to calm inflammation and relieve pain.
How to Use: To use this oil, you should mix it with carrier oil (can use aloe Vera or coconut oil). Then stick it on the inflamed skin. Do it 1-2 times a day.
4. Geranium Oil
Geranium oil is one of the essential oils for poison ivy that you can rely on. Its quickly overcome the problem of inflammation and itching of the skin. Geranium oil is good for preventing the release of histamine and keeping the immune system strong. So, using this oil is good to get quick and effective help for poison ivy.
How to Use: Mix 5 drops or 4 drops with coconut oil. Then massage slowly on the skin that is in contact.
5. Rose Essential Oil
The oil may be less well known but the health benefits of rose oil can also be handed. Rose oil is an essential oils for poison ivy that reduces the risk of allergies and helps maintain immunity. Using poison ivy oil will soothe the skin and promote healing when used in moderation.
How to use: Combine 5 drops of rose oil with lavender, can also interfere with peppermint oil. Use on inflamed skin, swelling and itching. Apply this oil 1-2 times a day until the symptoms become mild or cured.
6. Peppermint Oil
It is able to relieve inflammation and eliminate the burning sensation of the skin and relieve itching. Peppermint contains antioxidants and materials such as menthol. This substance provides cold sensation and provides secondary protection that may occur.
How to use: This oil does not need to be diluted with other carrier oils. Simply apply on the affected skin with poison ivy. But if your skin is sensitive, you should dissolve it with carrier oils such as coconut oil and olive oil.
7. Helichrysum Oil
Helichrysum Oil contains rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory compounds. It provides healing to skin problems due to poison ivy. Helichrysum is one of the essential oils for poison ivy that can give a quick reaction to relieve pain. In addition, it also provides a response for immune system.
Instructions for use: This oil is mixed with 5 drops of coconut oil and massage gently on the part that contact. Do this treatment 1-2 times a day.
A Warning for Poison Ivy Oil
Using essential oils as a treatment for poison ivy is good, but you must understand the possible side effects.
Among the side effects may occur are rashes and inflammation that spread. This is the result of essential oils mixed with chemicals in poison ivy sap. Usually this problem appears in those who have sensitive skin. For that need to dissolve with carrier oil. However, if you notice the side effects of using essential oils immediately contact your doctor. The safest way is to talk to your doctor before you take the alternative by using essential oils.