In the urine are found Squamous epithelial cells, but in very small amounts. So, when the doctor checks someone from a urinary tract infection, the doctor should check the Squamous epithelial cells present in the urine. Usually, if the number of cells is very much then it could be a sign of infection in the urinary tract.
Based on the web, there are three types of epithelial cells found in the urine, these are: Squamous epithelial cells, Renal epithelial cells and Transitional epithelial cells.
Renal epithelial cells are a type of epithelial cells found in the kidneys. If the physician checks that the cell is found in the bladder, it indicates that the person is having problems with the kidney.
While transitional epithelial cells are in the uterus and in the bladder.
Squamous epithelial cells are the type of epithelial cells that we study in this article. Does the cell indicate a specific sign or is the presence of such cells a sign of an infection in the urinary tract?
What do Squamous Epithelial Cells Mean?
It is an epithelial cell with a straight and flat shape. It is the largest epithelial cell with 5 nuclei.
Squamous Epithelial Cells do not identify kidney disease as some sources say. The results of medical research Masaryk University said that this epithelial cells are in the urethra and vagina, so often found in the urine.
The discovery of a number of transitional epithelial cells may indicate a bacterial or viral infection in the urinary tract. While the presence of many epithelial renal cells suggests that a person has a problem with the kidneys.

Normal Amount of Squamous Epithelial Cells in Urine
So, if you find Squamous Epithelial Cells in large quantities on urine examination, is this dangerous, what is the point of this?
Dr. Edgar Lerma on Medscape explained that the number of squamous epithelial cells at normal limits is 15-20 / hpf. If the amount is more than that, then this is considered epithelial cells have been contaminated with other materials so it must be done re-examination.
What does Squamous Epithelial Cells Mean in Urine?
Urine collection is checking for any bacteria or viruses that cause infection. Because UTI infection can still occur even though there is no epithelial cells in the urine. Thus, the absence of transitional epithelial cells or other epithelium is not sure to no infection, since urinary tract infections can still occur without Epithelial Cells.
Dr. Edgar Lerma on Medscape points out that if bacteria are found in urine but no squamous cells, this can be a powerful proof of UTI infection. While the presence of squamous epithelial cells in the urine may help to clearly identify the presence of bacteria.
The presence of a number of squamous epithelial cells, as well as other chemicals in the urine can also to rule out urinary tract infections.
About Urinalysis
Urine sampling do the test aims to determine the content in the urine to know your health. If in your urine is found nitrite, this can be a sign of urine contaminated with bacteria. If the urine contains white blood cells then it becomes sign that you have a bladder or swollen infections.
A urine sample can identify your health. Your urine should not be as described below:
- The urine should be clear (pale yellow) not cloudy
- Your urine should not have a strong odor
- Maintaining a balance of urinary ph level can help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
- Sugar content can also be a sign of the risk of diabetes
- Then, your urine should not contain protein
How to Collect a Urine Sample
If your doctor orders you to collect urine as a sample. It will give you a suitable container to hold the urine. Remember! before doing this you should not eat foods like beets and blackberries because it can change the color of your urine.
Then that must be considered is to stay away from the urine is contaminated with bacteria. This is so that urine analysis does not show large squamous epithelial cells. You should also cover the container of the urine with a meeting.
Cancer and Squamous Epithelial Cells
Squamous cell carcinoma is a bladder cancer cell, Dr. said. Gary David. In this case, the doctor will check the presence of blood cells in the urine to determine the presence or absence of cancer. However, blood in the urine can also indicate that a person does not have cancer but a urinary tract infection or bladder infection.
Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection
The presence of squamous epithelial cells in the urine does not necessarily signify you are having a urinary tract infection. But, if you already know that you are having UTI, here are some things you can do from home.
Some natural remedies and remedies for treating urinary tract infections:
#Baking soda
Consuming baking soda can help you overcome the pain of urinary tract infections. Baking soda works by neutralizing acid in URINE. The Cochrane Library says that baking soda can reduce UTI’s pain in women.
How to make a home remedy from baking soda is with take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of drinking water. Drink when your stomach is empty. This herb should be taken two or three times a day. But if the infection still hurts, you should immediately contact a doctor.
Read for More UTI’s Treatment: Essential oils for UTI