Top 22 Health Benefits of Rose Essential Oil

Benefits of Rose Essential Oil – Who is not familiar with the roses? The young boy is certainly very familiar with this flower especially those who are in love. The diversity of colors of roses can be used to tell the feelings of love to a lover. That is one of the essentials things of roses.

Roses are the most beautiful flower in the world that everyone knew it. Who knew behind the beauty of roses keep not only romantic feelings but also save a lot of health benefits. Yes, the rose has health benefits, especially of rose essential oil.

Rose essential oils are taken from the rose extract. In the rose oil are hundreds of components, including the most famous is carvone, Citronellol, Citral, nerol, Citronellyl Acetate, Ethanol, Farnesol, eugenol, methyl eugenol, Stearpoten, Nonanol, Phenylacetaldehyde, Phenyl geraniol, nonanal, and Phenylmethyl Acetate.

So the rose is not only beneficial and interest in love, but its has a more high price that is helping many health problems. Well, since you already know a lot about the effects of roses against emotional turmoil, so now let’s look at the benefits of essential oils of rose.

Health Benefits of Rose Essential Oil

1. Antiviral

The antiviral properties of roses are critical to note. Antivirus of roses is very different from the others because the rose essential oil can protect the body from various types of viruses. As we know that the virus could mutate and continue to defend itself in damaging the immune system. The presence of Rose essential oil is very useful in providing protection against a variety of viruses.

>> Check update for Rose Essential Oil Benefits

2. Antidepressants

Rose oil is an anti-depressant, so its use can improve a person’s mental, confidence, and prevent depression. Those who experience acute anxiety and depression should be rehabilitated. In future, they will be given rehabilitation of rose essential oil to improve their emotional and mud.

Additionally, Rose essential oil is widely used as aromatherapy to summon positive thoughts and spiritual relaxation.

3. Drugs that soothe

Almost the same with sandalwood essential oils as rose essential oil is soothing and relaxing. Helpful roses as a tonic to the nerves. So one of the benefits of rose essential oil is a shock to healing the soul, giving them strength due to accidents or other mental disorders.

4. Antiphlogistic

Rose essential oil contains antiphlogistic, making it useful as a sedative for patients with high fever by calming inflammation. In addition to inflammatory fever, this oil is also beneficial for inflammation due to consumption of toxic substances, the inflammation caused by microbes, and dehydration. That is, the rose essential oil useful for health problems such as arthritis, gout, and fever.

5. Antispasmodic

Rose essential oil effective in reducing seizures in the gut and respiratory system. Muscle spasms in various parts of the body can also be overcome.

6. Characteristically antiseptic

Using rose essential oils is the most beautiful way to heal wounds. Because fragrance and antiseptic properties. By relaxing you can treat injuries and prevent inflammation.

7. Bactericidal

Rose essential oil contains a good bactericide which is very useful in treating various diseases. You can use rose essential oil for treating cholera, typhoid, food poisoning, diarrhea, and some other diseases that cause are bacterial.

Another benefit of rose essential oil is a cure internal parts were sickened by bacteria such as bowel, bladder, gastric, and various infections such as outer ear infections, wounds, and eye.

8. Uterus

It’s femininity problem, for those who have difficulties with this, the essential oil of rose is very competent in the cure. Another problem that often occurs is a tumor, bleeding, irregular periods.

With menstruating regularly it possible for a person to control mood. Hormonal imbalance, bloating, cramping, overeating and heavy bleeding.

9. Hemostatic

Hemostatic primrose oil is so nice to halt bleeding, bleeding either inside or outside. Also helpful for the bleeding due to surgery or injury. This oil accelerates blood clotting bleeding can be stopped.

10. Depurative

The great benefit of the rose essential oils is to purify the blood and aids in the excretion of toxins in the body. Well, if your body is free of toxins and blood is clean then you will be protected from boils, skin diseases, rashes, and even a variety of serious conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

11. Kills bacteria

This essential oil is a good bactericide and it can be used to treat typhus, cholera, food poisoning, diarrhea, and several other diseases caused by bacteria.

The benefits of rose essential oil can also treat problems related to the large intestine, stomach, urinary tract, ears, eyes, wounds, and external infections of the skin.

12. May Purify the Blood

One of the essential oils that are said to purify the blood is rose oil. This oil works by neutralizing toxins and eliminating them from the body.

Using rose oil can protect the body from boils, rashes, skin diseases, and serious conditions caused by free radicals, and it can also prevent cancer and heart disease.

13. Ease menstruation

Rose oil can relieve stomach discomfort. It is also very good for menstrual sufferers in relieving or reducing pain.

Massaging the stomach with rose oil mixed with a carrier oil will provide a comfortable sensation. Relieves nausea, cramps, fatigue, and reduces pain, which is associated with menstruation.

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14. Prevents excessive bleeding

For those who suffer from bleeding, using rose essentials can be great for relieving it. This oil can speed up the blood clotting process so as to prevent bleeding.

The Benefits of Rose Oil in Skincare

Rose essential oil has anti-inflammatory, soothing and smoothing properties. Among the benefits of using rose oil is to repair capillary damage, and scar tissue. Also great for sensual situations, and ideal for balancing emotions and moods in times of tension.

Let’s see why rose essential oil is good for the skin. The explanation below is expected to provide a lot of input for you in using rose essential oil for the beauty of your skin.

15. Rosa Damascena (Rose Otto) Flower Oil

Rose Otto is the purest type of rose oil and it is better known as the queen of oils. It has cooling, soothing properties, and this can help in stressful conditions related to the skin. This oil is extracted from Rosa Damascena, the Damask Rose. This oil queen is also great as a natural remedy for treating damaged capillaries and removing scar tissue so as to improve your skin looking flawless with an even tone.

Rosa Ottoa is a type of rose oil that is also useful for skin cell regeneration, smoothing the skin and strengthening it.

16. Geranium (Rose) Pelargonium Graveolens (Rose Geranium) Flower Oil

Besides Rose Otto, there is Rose Geranium whose benefits can brighten dull skin, soothe skin, improve sluggish skin, and it is also aromatherapy.

So, the benefits of rose essential oil for the skin are felt because it can fix many problems related to the skin. Using it regularly will make your skin bright, beautiful and charming.

The aromatherapy properties of rose geranium oil can cure stress, relieve anxiety, fatigue, sadness, balance emotions, hormones and can relieve feelings of tension.

17. Rosehip Oil Rosa Canina (Rosehip) Fruit Oil

Furthermore, the benefits of rose essential oil for the skin are evident from the type of Rosehip Oil Rosa Canina. This colorless oil is made from the tiny fruits on the back of the rose.

This type of rose oil is high in vitamin C, vitamin A, rich in protein, and keeps the skin moist and soft. This rose oil helps accelerate the growth of new cells, minimizes the appearance of redness due to scars, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

If your priority is to keep your skin young and beautiful, then you can try using Rosehip Oil Rosa Canina which is rich in antioxidants from vitamins C and A.

Those are some of the benefits of rose essential oil for the skin taken from several types of well-known rose oil.

Rose Essential Oil Spiritual Benefits

When you use rose essential oil, it’s not just the health benefits or benefits of rose oil for the skin that you get, but there are many other spiritual benefits of rose oil.

Spiritually, rose oil has extraordinary benefits such as being able to improve the chakras, and provide peace. There are at least 7 benefits for spiritual, such as:

18. Attract good luck

Among the many benefits for spiritual is related to luck. Its delicious aroma and distinctive fragrance may provide its own peace, not only for you but also for those who are beside you.

That is why, it is said that the benefits of rose oil are great for spiritual. Every time you use it, you will find comfort, peace, tension free and easy to attract good luck.

19. The sweet smell of rose essential oil

Rose oil has a sweet aroma. In the spiritual world, smell is a message that indicates something good or something bad.

Whenever you rub rose essential oil on your clothes or your body, it radiates calm, peace and brings you lots of luck.

Rose oil is a symbol of good luck, even in this African tradition it is also believed, they say that rose essential oil brings blessings and brings you to prosperity.

Apply rose oil 3 times a day for good luck and peace.

20. Emotional Healing

Rose essential oil is a type of oil that can heal emotional problems. If you are experiencing heartbreak, disappointment, try using rose essential oil to give strength to your soul and awaken inner peace.

Rose essential oil can also heal trauma, so using it is great for the well-being of the body.

21. It prevents nightmares

The benefits of rose essential oil for spiritual also relate to the prevention of nightmares. Using this magic oil, you don’t have to worry about your night, you will sleep peacefully and avoid nightmares.

22. Rose essential oil inspires positivity

This is a great benefit of using rose essential oil. Every time you use it, you will feel something positive. So, it is said that this oil can keep you from bad things.

When you use it, then you feel that your life is something of a gift and prevent you from thinking bad or negative.

How to Use Rose Essential Oil?

Rose essential oil is a powerful natural remedy and is great for several health problems. So whenever you want to use this oil either topically or internally, then make sure that you know how to use it properly.

Before using rose essential oil, you must first mix it with a carrier oil like jojoba oil, coconut oil, almond oil and others.

How to use:

  1. Bath: Add 7 drops of rose essential oil to a carrier oil such as coconut oil, then add the mixture in a warm bath for comfort.
  2. Foot soak: Add 5 drops of rose essential oil to warm water and soak your feet in it for a few minutes.
  3. Relieves anxiety: You can use it by diffusing rose oil into the room, you can also rub it on your wrists, chest and neck.


If used mainly in small amounts, this oil is useful to eliminate a headache. But if used in excess can sometimes cause the opposite. Likewise for pregnant women, they should not use this oil because there is no certainty whether the oil can be transferred to the fetus or not. If this oil entered feared a miscarriage of the fetus, particularly if used in excessive amounts.

Blending: This Essential Oil Blends well with Geranium, Jasmine, Clove and Palma Rosa essential oils.


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