Treat Acne in a Week with 3 Kitchen Ingredients

Treat Acne in a Week with 3 Kitchen Ingredients

Treat Acne in a Week with 3 Kitchen Ingredients. Acne is very disturbing the appearance, many people spend long hours in order to look beautiful and covered their acne. Not only that, but they also spend a lot of money to buy different types of expensive make-up.

Covering acne with makeup is the wrong way because this is not good for health. Covering acne with makeup only lasted for a while. Bad effects for skin health also occur due to the use of makeup. So, you have to treat and cure acne naturally fatherly satisfactory results.

Acne is very boring, acne really give trouble for us. Itching, skin irritation, and you look unattractive are some common problems caused by spotty.

Using chemicals is said to cure acne sometimes does not give any effect, even giving damage to the skin due to exposure to chemicals.

Then you need to look for natural ingredients that can handle your acne problem. There are some natural ingredients that come from your kitchen, such as turmeric, curd and orange peel.

Make a Mask for Acne

Necessary materials:

A mixture of curd, turmeric powder and orange peel powder works wonders in curing your acne. If you use on a regular basis then your acne may be gone in a few days.

Orange peel contains vitamin C and acidic, potentially in killing bacteria and microbes that cause acne.

In addition to oranges, curd also contain anti-bacteria and microbes that can kill bacteria on the skin, can whiten the skin and make skin feel soft.

While turmeric is a natural material that is known for its anti-inflammatory that can keep the skin from inflammation and maintain healthy skin cells.

How to Set up a Mask of Turmeric, Curd and Orange Peel:

  1. Enter the material that had been prepared in a bowl
  2. Combine all ingredients until be a pasta
  3. Then coat your face with pasta until slightly thick
  4. Let stand for 20 minutes
  5. Rinse face with warm water
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