5 Steps for Preventing Kidney Stones

If you’ve had a kidney stone, you know that the experience can be unpleasant. Fortunately, there are lifestyle changes and medications which are present to help you avoid developing another one. The pain can be unbearable until the stones pass via your urinary plumbing and out of the body. In half of the people who have had kidney stones previously, another appears within seven years. Prevention of kidney stones is not tough but it does take some determination.

Kidney stones are formed when certain chemicals become concentrated enough in the urine and it forms crystals. The crystals then grow into larger masses which make their way through the urinary tract. If the stone gets stuck somewhere and it blocks the flow of the urine it will cause pain. Most of the stones occur when the calcium combines with one or two substances which are oxalate or phosphorous. Stones can also form because of the uric acid which gets formed because the body metabolizes protein.

Kidney Stones- Symptoms

Symptoms begin when the stones travel via the urinary system. Stones can get stuck and cause a back up of urine which can be painful in most of the cases. Symptoms of kidney stones include:

Here are ways to prevent kidney stones

Prevention of kidney stones means avoiding the conditions which support their formation. Here are the recommendations to prevent kidney stones:

Resolving underlying medical problems to reduce kidney stones

Some of the medical conditions like obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure can increase the risk of kidney stones. Endocrinologic diseases like an overactive thyroid can increase the levels of the calcium in the urine. In addition to it, gout can increase uric acid levels in the body, which can cause uric acid stones. Adequately treating such diseases and managing chronic problems can help prevent kidney stones from developing.

Some foods and drinks are unlikely to cause kidney stones unless they are consumed in higher quantities. Some studies have also shown that men who consume high doses of vitamin C as supplements are at higher risk of developing kidney stones. This is because the body converts vitamin C into oxalate.

Also Read: 10 Ways for Kidney Stone Treatment without Surgery

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