5 Popular Indoor Plants and Their Medicinal Value for Healthy Life

Ever wondered when the idea of potting plants and keeping them indoors rather than outside came up?

The domestication of plants began nearly in Neolithic period (about 10,000 BCE) and around 600 BC, King Nebuchadnezzar II got the garden created for his wife, Queen Amytis who was born in a land full of greens, that she missed in her present palace. Later in 500 and 400 BC, Germans, Romans and Egyptians, all have been known to keep houseplants, the culture trickling down to the Renaissance and Victorian period and then to the modern era where it has become so mainstream that you would find almost every office and home furnished with houseplants. And why not? Owing to enormous benefits and being the symbol of clean living, houseplants deserve that space.

So, if you are on your way to find some amazing plants to start with or wish to satiate the green thumb in you by adding more plants to your existing flora setup, here are 5 absolutely essential indoor plants that are a must have for a healthy being and healthier environment. Take the guide:

1. Aloe Vera

One of the most common houseplants, aloe vera, with its medicinal properties, can unlock multiple benefits and can be brought to everyday use.

2. Basil

Basil or tulsi is a magic herb that is revered for its medicinal properties and has been in use since times immemorial.

3. Jade plant

Jade plants are one of the best air purifying plants and its benefits go way beyond its aesthetic appeal.

4. Bonsai Plant

Growing bonsai is an art. Bonsai plants come in various types and serve us with unique benefits.

5. Curry Plant

Curry plants or kadi patta are commonly used in many dishes in India, Thailand and various other Asian countries. The plants are rich in Vitamin A, B, C & B2 and their benefits are aplenty.

Houseplants serve us in many ways. Make sure you know their various benefits and improve your everyday life with the proper use.

Read more: Super Plants to Grow in Your Garden this Year

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