Key Benefits Of Having A Medical Alert System

If you’re living alone, or your family members are not in the house most of the time, you might be worried about getting into accidents without someone to help you. If that’s the case, you might want to avail a medical alert system to give you peace of mind that somebody will attend to your needs in case of an emergency.

Here are some key benefits of getting a medical alert system:

1. Will provide an immediate response

About 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day. On average, there’s a cardiovascular-related death every 38 seconds. A heart attack is the number one cause of death, daily. Heart attacks can happen anytime and can snatch you out of life in just a snap. Especially if you’re in your senior year and living alone, you might feel helpless if it happens to you.

Having a medical alert system within your reach will give you the immediate response that will save your life. It’s important to know that the time of response is very critical. Every second count.


A medical alert system will provide immediate response during an emergency. Bay Alarm Medical is a good option since it allows for excellent customer service and reliability. Not only will it notify the nearest responders in your areas, such as ambulance and police, but it will also inform your loved ones since it also provides a different tracker for your caregiver or loved one to track your condition.

2. Easy to use

Most elderly will not have the enthusiasm to learn the complexity of gadgets nowadays. Companies that manufacture medical alert systems are aware of this, so they make sure that the system is easy to use.

Usually, a medical alert system is composed of a single button that can be worn around the neck or the wrist. Also, an external device that can be placed anywhere in your home is also available so that if you misplace it or forget to wear the device, there’s an alternate option to use for the emergency button.

Not only that, there’s another device that is usually given to your caregiver or a family member. So in case you pushed the call button, not only the medical response team will be notified but your loved ones as well.

3. Strong connectivity

You might be worried that the device won’t work if you’re far from where it was installed and connected. The medical alert system comes with a GPS device, and it’s connected to a telecom company that provides an online connection on your device.

So whether you’re outside strolling in the park or driving, you can bring it with you. The GPS technology will be able to track your location, and that’s where the response team will be dispatched.

4. Monitors your health

Improvement in technology has allowed the medical alert system to improve as well. Before, it functions as a distress button in case of an emergency. Now, it provides the patient with other useful features like:

5. Independence and reliability

If you don’t want to be admitted in a nursing home, or you don’t want to be in a 24-hour watch of a caregiver, a medical alert system can partially replace the need of a caregiver. Since the device is accurate and reliable, you can be independently living in your home without having too much assistance.

Some elderly don’t prefer someone checking on them from time to time, and they get too stubborn if they get too much attention. To address this situation, the medical alert system will give them independence without them knowing that they are checked from time to time.

6. Gives the patient and his loved ones a peace of mind

The use of the medical alert system will give the patient a sense of security and peace of mind. Even if the patient doesn’t have someone looking after him, he’ll still get medical attention and help in case of an emergency.

Not only that, the family members and loved ones, too, will also have the peace of mind. Even if they’re away from the patient, they can still check the status and will be notified in case there’s an accident or an emergency situation.

Final thoughts:

You might want to get a medical alert system since it has a lot of benefits, not just for the patient but for the family as well. It will help you provide an immediate medical response for the patient even if the family members are not around. It will give patient independence as well as peace of mind, especially if they are living alone.

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