A night of good sleep is as important as a good diet is. Good sleep plays a key role in your good health and improves your productivity. Despite having factors that affect your quality sleep like stress, family responsibilities, unexpected illnesses, etc.., you can adopt some habits that encourage better sleep. Here are some simple tips you can follow for the same.
1. Exercise regularly and stay Hydrated
Exercise is one of the best science-backed ways to improve sleep and overall health. It enhances all aspects of sleep and reduces insomnia. Try to finish exercising three hours before bedtime or opt to work out earlier in the day as this helps to keep your mind calm and relaxed. Drinking too much water or liquids during the exercise but you need to keep sipping in a small amount of water to stay hydrated. It is good for both skin and overall health. To control the urge of drinking too much water in between the session, get used to carrying a smaller 16 oz water bottle instead of a bigger one.
2. Limit daytime naps
Daytime naps are essential for good health as they help you relax and regenerate while carrying out your day-to-day activities. Well, you can avoid them completely or make them as short as possible (not exceeding thirty minutes). Daytime naps should not be taken a few hours before bedtime to have an easy time catching up with sleep at night.
3. Pay attention to what you eat and drink
After a long working day, you are all tired and hungry, you shouldn’t go to bed hungry or stuffed. As you take your meal, avoid taking heavy meals a few hours before bedtime to lower the discomfort during the night. Also avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol before bed. These act as stimulants thus keeping you awake. If you are in the habit of taking coffee after dinner, try the decaffeinated coffee instead of the usual one. make sure you keep your water bottle away so that you don’t get into the habit of waking up now and then in between the night.
4. Stick to a sleeping schedule
The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy person is eight hours. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Being consistent reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle. Ease the transition of wake and sleep time with a period of relaxing activities such as reading a book, taking a bath or watching television. Avoid stimulating and stressful activities like discussing emotional issues or taking your worries to bed, as this may cause your body to release the stress hormone cortisol that increases alertness.
5. Optimize your bedroom environment
The bedroom environment and its setup are the key factors in getting a good night’s sleep. Try to minimize external noise, light and artificial lights from devices like alarm clocks. You can use heavy curtains, blackout shades or even an eye mask to block the light. Make sure your bedroom is equipped with quality and comfortable mattress and pillows. Avoid increased temperatures and keep it comfortably cool and the room well ventilated. If you have a pet, consider keeping it out of your bedroom to avoid it waking you up regularly during the night. Make sure your bedroom is a peaceful, clean, relaxing and enjoyable place.
Also read: Sleeping Without A Pillow, Here Are Health Benefits
If you are interested in optimal health and wellbeing, then apart from a proper exercise routine make sound sleep your top priority. These tips are easier to follow with little effort. If you stick with them, your chances of achieving restful sleep will improve.