22 Best Health Benefits of Dates

The health benefits of eating dates daily – Dates are healthy foods that grow in desert areas or hot climates. Dates have many health benefits due to the content of a variety of minerals and vitamins in it. Dates nice as a substitute snack for those of you who want to get live healthier.

If you are one who likes to snack, then replace your snack with dates. Dates are healthier as a snack compared to fast food or other junk foods that have a lot of adverse effects to health.

Why palm provides many benefits for your health? because dates contain a lot of minerals and vitamins which are phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, iron, sulfur, calcium, and oil. To get the most from date palm is recommended that we consume every day.

Even many of those who consume pasta dates for accelerating recovery after illness. Extraordinary benefits of dates could even prevent stomach cancer, but you are advised not to consume in excessive amounts.

Dates are also source of potassium, a substance that is good for the health of the nerves, while the fiber content is also good for digestion. Let’s see more detail about the health benefits of dates.

Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Dates Daily

1. Adequate iron needs

Dates are an important food for red blood cells because they contain a lot of iron. Women often experience anemia is very important to consume foods that contain iron.

2. Prevent constipation

Constipation is a common digestive problems, especially in pregnant women. Soak some dates overnight, then drink water when morning. This will help your bowel movements and facilitate defecation.

3. Lowering bad cholesterol levels

The cholesterol level in the blood is very dangerous for heart health. Then it should be minimized by good. Dates are foods that can lower bad cholesterol and maintain healthy arteries.

4. Source of Energy

To get this incredible benefit you can make a simple concoction of dates. Mix the dates, honey and milk and make a healthy drink throughout the day. These drinks not only increase your stamina but it also can increase the libido.

5. Prevent diarrhea

The health benefits of eating dates daily also can prevent diarrhea. Dates contain potassium which is in charge of preventing diarrhea and provide benefits to the gut.

6. Reduce high blood pressure

People suffering from high blood pressure can try to consume dates every day in a certain amount. Most them suggested to consume dates as much as 3-4 seeds every day.

7. Healthy for the heart

Dates health benefits for the heart. The heart is the most important organ that works for a variety of bodily functions. Then maintaining heart health is an obligation for anyone. Consume dates every day is one form of custody to heart health.

Soak Dates overnight and eat in the morning, consume every day can keep your heart healthy.

8. Set weight

One of the health benefits of eating dates which is preferred is to lose weight. Dates is a glut of food and a high content allowing you to keep your hunger so that you are not stimulated to eat a lot.

Those are some of the health benefits of eating dates daily. To note is not consume dates in large numbers because it was feared could raise blood sugar.

Another Health Benefits of Eating Dates

9. Prevent Cancer

Dates are fruits that are rich in antioxidants; the content is very beneficial for health in counteracting free radicals that cause cell abnormalities. Regularly consume dates fruit is the right way to prevent cancer.

>> Update about Dates Health Benefits

10. Rich in fiber

High fiber content in dates makes the fruit is excellent for digestion. Fiber is an important element that the body needs to move the stool well so quickly excreted from the body. Not only that but the health benefits of dates are also useful for lowering cholesterol in the body.

11. Tannin

The Tannin are essential minerals that commonly obtained in some food, including dates. Tannin are also useful as antioxidants that are beneficial for preventing infection and also acts as an anti-inflammatory.

12. Iron

Dates health benefits due to iron content. Iron is an essential mineral for the health of the blood so that it can lead to iron deficiency anemia.

13. Rich in calcium

Calcium content in dates makes the fruit exquisite for healthy teeth and bones. Calcium is an essential substance for health. Also, calcium that get in dates is also magnificent for muscle contraction.

14. Content of Manganese

In the dates fruit also contains manganese. Do you know what it is manganese? Manganese is a substance that is rich in antioxidant enzymes and can prevent cancer cells.

15. Magnesium

Dates health benefits of magnesium content were also equal to the benefits of calcium that helps build bones and teeth and maintain their health.

16. Containing Copper

Copper is another substance found in palm fruit, copper become important material because it can produce red blood cells. So copper play a role in balancing blood cells.

17. Rich in vitamins

Palm fruit also contains vitamins essential for a healthy body. Among the vitamins included in the palm fruit is a B-complex, vitamin K and vitamin A. So, the health benefits of palm fruit also can keep the skin and eyes.

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Dates Health Benefits for Pregnancy

Pregnant women need power, requires a stable blood, it is highly advised you to take a lot of dates. Date fruit gives intense energy after childbirth and can add red blood cells that needed during pregnancy. The fetus should be enough in red blood cells and calcium and iron for his development.

That’s why pregnant women often suffer from anemia. Lack of red blood due to needed by the fetus in the womb. Date fruit can overcome this problem because it is a good source of iron. The body easily absorbs the content of sugar in dates fruit, so even sweet taste, the dates remain safe to eat diabetics. Benefits of dates for pregnant women not only for mothers alone but for the sake of supporting growth and development of the baby in the womb.

Date palm fruit is excellent for the health of pregnant women. Then, what are the benefits? Here are some health benefits of dates for pregnancy.

18. Decrease the uterus

Health Benefits of Dates after childbirth is for shrink the uterus. Shrink the blood vessels in the uterus, so that can make the uterus smaller, this is due to the palm fruit contains pouch in hormones.

19. Accelerating breast milk production

Breast milk is an important drink of pregnancy that needed by the fetus. Expensive as anything you buy baby formula, breast milk is still is not replaceable, so make sure that breast milk is always existing, and one way is by eating the fruit of dates. Health benefits of dates for pregnancy is very pronounced in the case of the milk. For those of you who are breastfeeding can also consume palm fruit.

20. Accelerating defecation

Furthermore, the health benefits of dates for pregnancy is smoothing bowel movement. Dates are the fruit rich in fiber. Pregnant women who have just given birth prohibited straining while defecating, because it was feared stitches can be torn. Therefore, digestion must remain smooth, dates could be a solution. Fiber content in dates could launch this one issue.

21. Provide extra energy after childbirth

The other health benefits of dates for pregnancy is restored the power that expanded during the birth process. For the knowledge that in a date contains 1.8 to 2 percent, fiber 2-4%, 50-57% glucose.

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22. Facilitate the growth of the teeth below the gum

Indeed, within in 8 dates contain a lot of sugar, but contains 5 grams of fiber that is useful for the body. Besides that, the health benefits of dates for pregnancy is help grow teeth in the fetus, this happens because the content of calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in dates.

Dates Benefits to Increase Sperm Count

Dates are dried fruit that are a source of energy in large quantities, their natural sugar content will provide energy for everyone who eats them. That is why during the month of Ramadan, Muslims break their fast with dates. During fasting, a person loses energy, and eating dates that are rich in calories can supply the energy lost during fasting.

But it turns out, Dates fruit not only increases energy, but dates can provide more benefits than that. One of the benefits of dates is that it can increase sperm count. So, dates are fruits that are important for men’s health.

Scientifically, dates are dried fruit that can increase libido, and improve sperm quality and this is good for newly married couples. These benefits make men have to often eat dates in everyday life. Besides eating a lot of meat, a good food to increase libido is dates, so don’t underestimate dates, from now on eat dates regularly.

How Dates Increase Sperm Count

Herbalists, making traditional medicine to overcome the problem of infertility in men with date powder. So, for this reason several researchers conducted research related to dates. A 2006 study stated that dates are related to sperm and the reproductive system in mice, dates can increase sperm count, motility, and sperm DNA quality in mice. It can even increase the weight of the testicles and epididymis.

Then this research continued with two sexual health experts from Logos who conducted research in 2016 about the benefits of dates for men. They say that consuming dates can improve sexual performance and increase male libido.

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The man then relayed the information to the Nigerian news agency (NAN), he said that when men consume dates properly, they can also get a good body health, and especially can make them feel proud in front of their partner.

One of the people, Dr. Aminu Kazeem a sexual health therapist who works at the Energy for Sex Clinic in Lagos; She says that a man who has problem with his performance when dealing with a partner, then he should include dates in his daily diet.

He mentioned that eating dates can increase the quality and number of sperm in men, this is good for male fertility and can even increase the size of the testes of men, and the size of the breasts of women. So, eating dates regularly is very good for overall health.

Dr. Aminu also mentioned that dates contain high levels of estradiol and flavonoids, which can help sperm motility and quantity.

Dates Increase Libido And Do Other Things For You

Dates are not only beneficial for men’s health, but there are many other health benefits of dates that can be obtained from consuming dates regularly. Among them is to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Dates are a sweet fruit that contains 656 mg of potassium in every 100 grams. According to the WHO, an adult male should consume 3.510 mg of potassium per day. If the potassium content is low, then a person can experience high blood pressure and can even cause a stroke.

How Many Dates Should You Eat a Day

How many dates should you eat a day to be able to meet the nutrients your body needs. To supply a lot of nutrients, ideally a person should eat 100 grams of dates per day, this is about a handful of dates per day.

But this amount varies from person to person, and it depends on how many calories a person needs and also depends on their health. For every 100 grams of dates contain the following nutrients:

Nutritional value in 100 grams of dates:

Dates are not only a source of vitamins and minerals, but also as a source of antioxidants, besides that this fruit is also rich in selenium. The benefits of selenium are that it can reduce bladder cancer and prostate cancer.

So, how many dates should I/you eat a day, the answer is 100 grams per day.

Benefits of Dates for Skin and Hair

Talking about dates, then we have talked about one type of fruit that is rich in benefits in nature. Not only beneficial for health, but also beneficial for beauty such as skin and hair beauty. For those of you who pay attention to skin beauty, consumption of dates can be the best alternative for you. Here we will review the benefits of dates for skin and hair. Dates are a nutrient rich fruit, it is a middle eastern and Iranian food, the benefits are amazing. Let’s explore the benefits of dates for skin and hair health.

The benefits of dates are effective for skin rejuvenation

Consuming dates on a regular basis can eliminate skin wrinkles or signs of aging, especially consuming black dates (dates of the Prophet SAW). Its antioxidant content helps remove wrinkles on the skin caused by free radicals.

So, by eating dates, the skin becomes cleaner, and glowing and very beautiful.

Dates cleanse your face skin

Do you often spend a lot of money to buy different types of facial cleansers? To get clean, healthy and smooth skin, you need a balanced diet that contains various vitamins.

Eating dates every day can repair the skin and provide freshness and is one of the best ways to purify your skin. Eating dates every day can strengthen the skin and make the skin elastic because of its pantothenic acid content.

Dates are a good exfoliator for all skin types

The benefits of dates for the skin are also due to it being a skin exfoliator. The benefits of dates to exfoliate dead skin cells. If you want to clean dead skin cells, try mixing dates with fresh milk. Heat and puree and wash your face well using a mixture of milk and dates.

After smearing your skin with this mixture, let stand a few minutes and rinse with clean water, see the results.

Dates improve skin allergies caused by insect bites

All of us are certainly often bitten by insects, this is an uncomfortable condition that makes you intolerable. To get rid of this problem, you can use dates.

To get rid of allergies due to insect bites, try using a mixture of dates and orange juice.

Dates are effective in treating sunburn

The benefits of dates for the skin are also related to the healing of sunburn. Sunburn is a skin condition that is exposed to ultraviolet radiation when the sun is hot. Skin that is exposed to the sun and without protection will certainly make a threat to the surface of your skin. This sometimes damages skin cells, and causes many other problems.

The way to deal with sunburn is to eat dates directly. Dates nutrition can treat sunburn, antioxidants in dates can overcome the bad effects of free radicals and the bad effects of ultraviolet rays.

Benefits of dates to treat acne

Dates can overcome skin disorders such as sunburn, the vitamin B content in dates can overcome various skin problems, you can mix dates with honey and apply on the targeted area on your skin.

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The benefits of dates can moisturize the skin in summer

During summer, you can make dates as a paste and smear it on the skin surface, it can be a moisturizer and skin protector during summer. Dates contain nutrients that can strengthen the subcutaneous layer so that your skin is soft. This moisture effect can make the skin always well hydrated.

Dates fight damaged skin cells

Oil extracted from dates is known to effectively nourish dead skin cells. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that can protect skin damage from the effects of free radicals.

The benefits of date syrup for skin freshness

Consuming date syrup has considerable benefits for skin health, especially in refreshing the skin. Try to add this in your daily diet, date syrup will make your skin always fresh and glowing. In addition, date syrup is also rich in iron which can increase platelets so that it can circulate oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, including the skin layer.

Those are some of the benefits of dates for the skin, now we explain the benefits of dates for hair. Who doesn’t like healthy, black, strong and soft hair. If you like, then dates are a natural food that is beneficial for hair.

Dates strengthen hair

Everyone likes healthy and beautiful hair. There is no denying this, but did you know that dates are an important food for hair health. It can nourish hair follicles and make them strong. Diligently eating dates can keep your hair strong and beautiful without losing it.

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Dates are a natural remedy for hair loss

The abundance of B vitamins in dates makes it a medicinal food for hair, the iron content can also provide a lot of blood cells to deliver nutrients throughout the scalp and even hair roots.


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