How to Get Rid of Gingivitis – Its an inflammation of the gums caused by the accumulation of plaque and bacteria. These symptoms can be experienced by anyone even many people do not realize that their gums have problems due to bacteria and plaque.
Some common symptoms of gingivitis are redness of the gums, irritation, swelling at the base of the tooth. Some other symptoms of gingivitis may be bad breath, soft gums and often bleeding when brushing teeth, tooth loosening and teeth removal. These gingivitis symptoms are not so painful, so that many of them do not realize it. The consequences are tooth decay and tooth loss.
What Causes Gingivitis?
This gingivitis has several major causes such as smoking, old age, tobacco consumption, diabetes, taking certain medications, damaged tooth fillings, genetics, pregnancy, immune systems disorders, unhealthy eating and dry mouth.
Gingivitis is a mild disease, but if not treated properly it causes a severe infection called periodontitis, even at risk of tooth loss.
The risk of gingivitis that was never imagined could happen. These risks can include premature labor, diabetes, lung disease. So, mild disease does not always have to be ignored. Immediately treat gingivitis if you experience any of the above symptoms of gingivitis so that the risk of gingivitis can be prevented early on.
Gingivitis can be prevented in some natural way. Familiarizing good oral health can also reduce the risk of gingivitis. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day with 2 minutes or 3 minutes in one rub. In addition to this treatment, the prevention and gingivitis treatment naturally can also be done with some of the following home remedies.
Here we provide some home remedies for gingivitis. Please note or read it well.
Top 10 Ways How to Get Rid of Gingivitis
1. Using Salt
Salt is a home remedy that is widely used in various health problems such as teeth and gum diseases. Salt is very effective remedy to prevent and treat inflammation of the gums because it contains anti-bacterial and antiseptic. Not only that, salt also inhibits the growth of new bacteria.
Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt with a small cup of warm water. Gargle with this herb every morning and before bedtime.
Another way to treat gingivitis with a natural remedy is mix 1/2 teaspoon salt with mustard oil. Stir until it is be a paste and use it to massage your gums for a few minutes. Do this home remedy two or three times a day.
2. Using Turmeric
Turmeric is an ancient herbal that has been used since a long time. It contains curcumin and antioxidant substances to cure pain, plaque, relieve inflammation and swelling of the gums naturally. The health benefits of turmeric are also good for preventing bacterial activity thus preventing the development of gingivitis.
In the Journal of the Indian Society of Periodontology it is reported that turmeric is a herb that contains a number of healing properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-plaque and anti-microbial so it is advisable to treat gum inflammation due to plaque.
Mix one teaspoon of turmeric with 1/2 teaspoon mustard oil and salt. Next, apply on teeth and gum diseases, massage slowly. Do it twice a day.
Another way to avoid gingivitis is by making a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder, with a little of vitamin E, then apply to your gums and let stand for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, do this natural treatment regularly for up to a week.
Another alternative is brushing your teeth with turmeric powder. Take turmeric powder with a toothbrush and rub it on your teeth like brushing your teeth using commercial toothpaste. Apply this method several weeks and see the results.
3. Using baking soda
The most popular way to treat gingivitis is using baking soda. It is one of the most powerful home remedies for gingivitis. Baking soda is effective in maintaining acid stability in the mouth, reducing gum and tooth decay. Not only that, baking soda also good for preventing infection because it functions as a natural anti-septic.
Take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, and place it on the gums. Wait for a while and rinse with warm water.
4. Oil Pulling
Furthermore, the home remedies for treating gingivitis is oil pulling. It is anti-bacterial, prevents plaque, strengthens the gums and keeps the mouth free of bacteria and evil microorganism.
- Take a tablespoon of oil pulling into your mouth and,
- Let stand in the mouth for 20 minutes, remove and rinse with warm water.
- do it regularly before brushing your teeth in the morning. Do it for a month on a regular basis.
5. Lemon Juice
This herb is very popular with vitamin C. In addition, lemon also useful as an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. It’s good for treating diseases like gingivitis and preventing further infection.
How to Use:
Take a glass of warm water and mix it with lemon juice. Use to rinse after brushing your teeth regularly. This drug is useful for stopping the bleeding and reduce gum inflammation.
Another home remedy is a mixture of salt with lemon juice. Make such a paste and apply on the gums, let stand for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. For optimal results, do up to 4 times a day.
6. Using Aloe Vera
Although cold and gel-clogged, aloe Vera is sources of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. This potion is powerful against gingivitis naturally. In addition, aloe Vera gel can relieve pain and soothe the gums.
- Break the leaves of aloe vera and squeeze the gel
- Apply this gel directly to the sick gum
- Let stand for 10 minutes and rinse with cold water
- Do this treatment several times a day until the pain is reduced
7. Guava Leaves
Guava leaf is a source of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and analgesic. This content is powerful for treating toothache and inflamed gums. Guava leaf also contains guaijaverin which is useful to prevent plaque. Read also: How to eat guava
- Pick a few leaves of guava leaves, wash and chew until crushed and spit. Do this treatment twice a day for several weeks.
- Another way is by smoothing some guava leaves, use like pasta at the gums
- Another alternative is using a mouthwash that contain guava leaf extract for oral care.
8. Using Clove
Clove is one of the powerful home remedies to treat various infections including the treatment of swollen gum. This is thanks to antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidants within.
- To treat gum inflammation, chew 2 cloves and do this treatment 3 times a day
- Can also use clove oil, rub into your gums and let stand a few minutes, rinse with warm water.
- Other natural remedy for gum inflammation is clove oil which drops into a glass of warm water. Use to gargle your mouth 2 times a day for good oral care.
Warning: Clove or clove oil is prohibited for use by young children, pregnant women and those who consume blood thinning medications.
9. Tea Tree Oil
One of the essential oils for gingivitis is tea tree oil. This oil contains antibiotics, anti-fungus, so tea tree oil is recommended to treat gum inflammation, especially chronic gum disease. The use of tea tree oil is good for pain relief quickly.
How to use tea tree oil is by brush your teeth using toothpaste containing tea tree oil. But if there is no paste with this content, you can use regular paste, but drop two drops of tea tree oil over the paste. Do it every time you have to brush your teeth.
Warning: Do not swallow tea tree oil because it causes harmful side effects such as diarrhea, and stomach irritation.
10. Peppermint oil
Furthermore, the essential oils to treat gingivitis is peppermint essential oils. It is thanks to the natural antibacterial and anti-septic content. This oil can also treat inflammation and eliminate bad breath.
How to use it:
Smash the peppermint leaves, and soak a few minutes (30 minutes) in warm water. Use the water to rinse.
Alternative: use a cup of peppermint tea, and drink as a fresh drink. Can also cool it and use as a mouthwash.
Last, how to get rid of gingivitis is by using a peppermint toothpaste. Brush your teeth twice a day using these natural ingredients.