Fruits that useful to whiten the teeth – Consuming food frequently make dirty on teeth and fill with food scraps, which in turn makes craggy teeth. However, there are some foods that can make your teeth white and even healthful. Let us see if the fruit is included in your favorite fruit?
Fruits that Useful to Whiten the Teeth
Watermelon is a fruit that is still include in the melon family. The many of water content in watermelon are always clean the teeth of those who consume it. Watermelon is a fruit that full with vitamins, especially vitamin C. The fruit is very good for maintaining oral health, including the teeth and gums.
The fruit is synonymous with red color and sweet sour. Strawberries contains malic acid which is helpful to remove stains on teeth. To obtain optimal results, brush your teeth gently for 5 minutes by using a soft toothbrush.
Furthermore, the fruits that healthy and good for maintaining dental health is a citrus fruit. Oranges are load with vitamin C and calcium. The content of citric acid in citrus able to improve control of acidity in the mouth. It helps the production of saliva so that the mouth is kept clean.
The apple is a crisp fruit that is good for cleaning teeth. The apple fruit is famous for its extraordinary health benefits. Even, there is who say that “an apple a day may keep the doctor away from you”. The apple offers many uses, especially when eaten in a state of crisp and fresh.
Bananas are one of the main fruits that good for teeth whitening and cleaning the leftover food stuck in the gum. This is thanks to the rich content of fiber in bananas. White components that exist on a banana known good to whiten teeth naturally.
Thus some of fruits that useful to whiten the teeth and maintaining your dental health remains good. Good luck and always provide these fruits in your home.