10 Foods that are beneficial for skin health – Our skin depends on the foods we eat. If we like to eat greasy food then our skin breakouts. Conversely, if we want a healthy and acne free skin we have to eat healthy food, whether vegetable or fruits. So a healthy diet for the skin should be excellent for us who want a healthy and beautiful skin.
Here we lay out some food that is good for skin health, as quoted from various sources.
10 Foods that are Beneficial for Skin Health
For those who want to get healthy and beautiful skin, some types of food below can be an option for you.
1. Walnut
It is the kind of magic beans that loaded with the benefits of healthy fatty acids and minerals. Omega 3 which are provided by walnuts will help to clear your skin of blemishes or black spots. To get the best results, eating a handful of walnuts for every week.
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2. Yogurt
Yogurt contains a lot of protein, vitamins and calcium, all of which would constitute a perfect ingredient for fighting skin wrinkles. If you’re in the program decreased the body weight, regular intake of yogurt will ensure natural skin glowing and finely textured. Yogurt also helps for the digestion of food in the stomach, which is necessary for skin health.
3. Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate not only will make your skin super smooth, but it will also protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Dark Chocolate works by increasing blood flow to the skin and keep it hydrated. Dark chocolate is the chocolate selection of the most widely containing cocoa.
4. Green tea
If you are suffering from some problems on your skin, sipping green tea every day will give you amazing results. Green tea is a potent antioxidant, which will nourish the skin from within. It is advisable to switch from a regular cup of tea or coffee to green tea in a few days, and you’ll immediately see the difference.
5. Cereals
Grains useful for removing toxins from the body, thus it will also clean your skin. Include whole grains in your diet and you, and you will soon see an increase in better digestion. Many products that contain whole grains in the market, such as biscuits and bread. Even rice, wheat also include grains.
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6. Strawberries
Then, Foods that are beneficial for skin health is strawberries. Fruits such as strawberries are good sources of vitamin C is high. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that acts as an anti-aging agent, as well as helping the skin to recover from the damage of UV rays of the sun. Strawberries also contain alpha hydroxyl acids – which will help the skin to remove dead skin cells. Eating this delicious fruit that will extend the life of your skin cells.
7. Almond
Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E, which will protect your skin from sun damage and maintain skin elasticity. Almonds in their raw form can be added to your breakfast cereal. If you do not like to chew nuts, then the almond milk is a good alternative for you.
Check also: 8 health benefits of almonds
8. carrot
Carrots contain vitamin A, which will promote skin repair. If you have sensitive skin, then carrots can help prevent blemishes, rashes, and dermatitis. Eating raw carrots or carrot juice, and then your skin will be hydrated, soft and smooth. So, a carrot is foods that are beneficial for skin health not doubt anymore.
see more: 8 health benefits of carrots
9. Salmon
Salmon contains healthy fatty acids such as omega 3, which will protect your skin from the sun, help maintain healthy skin cells and reduce inflammation. If you want to cope with clogged pores, eat salmon is a delicious way to eliminate your problem.
10. Eggs
The eggs are foods that are typically included in the breakfast menu. Eggs Rich in protein that will regenerate body cells, and keep your skin to stay looking younger for years.
Skin care products can also help make your skin look beautiful. If you want healthy skin, then still hungry to eat right to keep it from within. Be sure to include the top 10 Foods that are beneficial for skin health into your diet, if you want the skin soft, smooth and radiant.