Effective Essential Oils for Bruises – Bruising is a physical condition that occurs due to the collision of the muscle. We can not avoid, because at any moment, when we work or even riding the bike we could experience a fall or hit by hard objects, and cause bruising.
Surely, this is a simple problem that will heal by itself. But it is also depends on the severity. So, why we do not try a few natural remedy or traditional treatments to eliminate bruising. Traditionally there are some natural remedies that are often used for healing bruises, it is essential oils. So, in this brief article we will explain some home remedy for bruises. But before that we see further about bruising.
What is the Bruise?
It is a condition of the body that changes color as a result of their direct clash. This change is caused by blood clots for their part in a ruptured blood vessel. So, this leads to appear blue, or black skin. This is mentioned with bruises.
Bruising Cause Generally
- The bruising usually easy to occurs in those who use certain medications such as blood thinners.
- Older people are more easily get bruised due to the thinning of the skin and tissue that causes thinning of the blood vessels
- Furthermore, bruising can occur in those who are engaged in certain sports such as weightlifting.
In the early stages of the case, bruising of the skin is red, but it also depends on the type of skin. Then this color will turn blue, turn green, yellow and disappeared.
When do you need a doctor?
Actually, bruises only minor issues that do not need special attention. However, there are also some conditions that indicate the seriousness bruises that need special handling. Those who had an accident, usually experience severe bruising should be handled by physician.

So, know your bruised condition, here are some conditions which you should immediately see a doctor.
- Bruises that appear without reason and cause
- Bruising arising from fractures
- If bruising occurs together with freezing and you experience severe pain. This usually happens when you take a blood-thinning medication.
- Bruising that occurs under the nail and cause pain.
- If your bruising does not disappear within two weeks.
Effective Essential Oils for Bruises
The not severe bruises do not need a doctor’s care, you can remove it by using essential oils at home. The use of this oil will accelerate the blood flow thus gradually reduce swelling. Here are some remedies for bruises bruises.
1. Cypress Oil
Maybe the oil is less audible than lavender essential oils, and lemongrass oil, but cypress very effective for bruises. Typically, cypress essential oil is used to treat minor skin wounds. In addition, it is also often used to relieve varicose veins, cellulite, and stretch marks. Cypress oil works with blood flow so it is best used to eliminate bruising.
To obtain optimal results, cypress essential oils should be applied when the bruise occurred. The oil will prevent blood clotting in that layer of the skin.
- Apply ice to the bruised area and then use a mixture of cypress oils and carrier oils directly.
- Use several times a day until the bruise gradually recovered.
2. Lavender Essential Oils
You must be familiar with lavender oil. These oils are well known and became one of the oil with a high level of sales. There are many benefits derived from lavender so many people keep them at home as a traditional medicine. In fact, children can use it without fear to some side effects.
One of lavender essential oil benefit is treat bruises. Once you experience bruising, immediately apply essential oils to relieve blood clots.
Use ice cubes to compress the affected bruise, then apply lavender oil and oil carrier directly.
Remember! Do not use ice directly on the skin, but enter in the plastic and wrap it with a soft cloth. Placing ice directly can give bad influence for the skin.
If you are using ice, directly mix lavender oil and carrier oil. Use at bruised area and massage gently.
Repeat use this home remedy every few hours until the bruises is disappear. In addition, lavender oil is also well for using to treat inflammation and swelling due to injuries.
3. Helichrysum
Furthermore, essential oils for bruises is Helichrysum oil. It is also one of the essential oils that are well known for treating various skin complaints. Helicrysum oil can be used with a carrier oil for various skin problems such as sun exposure, abrasions, and bruises.
The use of helicrysum oil will increase blood flow so that a blood clot will melt due to bruising. This is will dilute the bruise marks on your skin.
- Combine helicrysum oil with carrier oil and rub gently at bruise area.
- Repeat use of this essential oil every few hours.
4. Lemongrass essential oils
The clash that occur in the muscle or the skin will usually cause bruising and pain. Lemongrass essential oil is good to relieve pain and swelling from the impact.
Not only healing pain but lemongrass oil also helps repair the damage tissue. It is also can speed up the healing process.
5. Geranium oil
This oil is also useful to cure skin tissue damage. So, it is also useful to cure the bruises. Geranium oil is good known for some skin problems like wrinkles and infections including bruising.
The way to use is same to lemongrass oil. You only need to mixture with a carrier oil and apply on the bruise area. Perform a soft massage order to speed up the healing process.
6. Roman Chamomile
Furthermore, essential oils for bruises is chamomile. This oil has a potent efficacy when applied to the skin. The benefit will be optimized when its mix with other essential oils, not only relieve the insect bites but also can accelerate the loss of bruising.
In addition, Roman chamomile oil is also believed to eliminate scars and bruises and eliminate black spots. Then, the oil is well known in beauty industry.
Combine two or three drops of chamomile oil with a carrier oil and apply on the bruises area. Massage gently for best results.
7. Arnica Ointment
Arnica ointment is one type of ointment used for healing bruises. But the power of this ointment will increase when mixed with essential oils.
Some essential oils for bruises that are well mixed with Arnica oil ointment is chamomile, cypress oil, tea tree, geranium, lemongrass oil, fennel, yarrow, and oil helicrysum oil.
Here are some essential oils that used directly in bruising and speed healing. This oil mixture will reduce swelling, inflammation, and change the color.
- One teaspoon of jojoba oil
- One teaspoon rosemary oil
- Lavender as much as one teaspoon
- Geranium oil one teaspoon
Use the above oil mixture over several times a day until you see the change.
Careful in using essential oils for bruises on the skin directly. We recommend that you combine with a carrier oil. Although lavender is soft, but many people have suggest to use wisely, especially if you use on the skin of infants or children because their skin is thin and sensitive.