Benefits of Cranberry Juice – Cranberry is a fruit that included in “Berry” family. As known, the berries fruit have many antioxidants, so it has tremendous benefits for health. In addition to antioxidants, Cranberry fruit also load with vitamin C, potassium, sodium, zinc, and iron in high doses.
Among the many benefits of Cranberry, here we look 6 of them, as quoted from
Amazing Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice
1. Avoid the risk of urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections is bad for your health. By eating cranberries, you can remove micro-organisms that cause the urinary tract infections and also eliminates bacteria that settles in the kidneys or urinary bladder. Read also: Essential Oils for UTI

2. Preventing tumor
The Benefits of Cranberry Juice to prevent tumors are thanks to rich in polyphenols, this compound is good to prevent the growth of tumors. By consuming cranberry juice regularly we can stop the growth of tumors cells that are capable of causing damage to other vital organs such as lung, breast, and prostate.
3. Improving heart health
Consuming cranberries can improve your cardiovascular health systems, it is one of large Benefits of Cranberry Juice for health that you must know. Flavonoid content within can reduce the fat and cholesterol. In addition to being heart-healthy fruit, cranberries also be a very good fruit to dieting.
4. Protect dental health
The content of proanthocyanidins in cranberries can protect your teeth from bacteria that cause tooth decay and reduce plaque. It is Similar to crisp apple, apple fruit also useful for teeth cleansing because it is can keep out the leftovers.
Relate to:
5. Protect respiratory diseases
Furthermore, The benefits of cranberry juice for health is prevent respiratory diseases. Haemophilus influenza is a bacteria that cause ear and respiratory infections in children. While this fruit able to inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause respiratory illnesses.
6. Preventing obesity
For those of you who suffer from obesity is highly recommended to consume cranberries in juice form or fruit. This fruit contains organic acids that can reduce fat deposits in your body.
The shape is small, but the benefits of cranberry juice for health is immense. From now try to eat this healthy fruits on regular basis, so that the body is always healthy.
7. Fight free radicals
One of the benefits of drinking cranberry juice is that it can fight free radicals in the body. This is due to the content of vitamin C, vitamin E, and the content of quercetin. It is a powerful antioxidant that is great for protecting the body from free radicals, which cause cancer and heart disease.
A study in the journal Nutrition, found that cranberries are a super fruit that has the ability to prevent cancer cells, which is a pity because this still requires accurate scientific evidence.
8. Prevent infection
Furthermore, the benefits of cranberry juice is to prevent infection because it contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral. A 2011 study showed that cranberry juice contains substances that can inhibit the growth of microbes and bacteria.
On the other hand, cranberries fight several types of viruses such as norovirus, which causes certain diseases and these diseases are usually transmitted through food. This also still needs a lot of research to be able to prove the truth.
Some cranberry juice side effects
Consuming cranberry juice can interact with some medications. Research says that cranberry juice can thin the blood, so drinking it has the potential to cause bleeding.
It’s possible that drinking cranberry juice can cause interactions with several medications, including:
- Cyclosporine
- Diclofenac
- Flurbiprofen
- Amoxicillin
- Midazolam
- Cefachlor
- Tizanidine.
Wonderful Cranberry Juice Detox Recipes
Cranberry Juice Detox Recipes – One way to remove toxins in the body is by drinking juice detox. The juice is a natural and simple way to detox. Here we will give you some detox juice recipes from cranberries fruit. Choose fresh fruit, and organic. It is aimed to get maximum results in your effort.
OK, we just see the following juice detox recipes using cranberries fruit.

Best Cranberry Juice Recipes
9. Cranberry Detox Water
Cranberry detox water is one of the recipes that is good for removing toxins in the body. You can consume water from cranberry fruit regularly, this water provides tremendous benefits for your body as it decays urination, clean urinary track. Making a cranberry detox water is a natural way to get the benefits of cranberries without using the sweetener.
Placing crushed cranberry in a glass of water is a best way to get vitamins from cranberry, because it allows the body to absorb and get benefits of cranberry detox easily. To make cranberry detox water, provide the following materials.
Here what you need:
- Half a cup of fresh cranberries, crushed
- 8 ounces of pure water clean
The purpose of crushing cranberry is to get cranberry juice. Enter the cranberry juice into glass and give pure water. Let stand for half an hour and drink as usual. Each time you consume this drink, you will feel the body hydrated and get nutrients. This is one of cranberry juice detox recipe for cleansing your body. You can consume this simple drink every day to get better health.

Cranberry Detox Water
10. Cranberry Detox Cocktail
Then, cranberry juice detox recipe is cranberry cocktail water detox. This time we will give you a home recipe to make cocktail from mixture of cranberry and blueberry. Mix both types of this fruit will give you a taste and remarkable benefits. From today you do not need to buy cocktail juice at the supermarket, but you will be able to make it out of the house. Excess juice that you create is organic and contains no preservatives that are bad for your health.
Now, you make a juicing to detox, so do not try to use artificial sweeteners or preservatives because this will poison your body. Directly we see juicing detox recipe from blueberries and cranberries.
What you should provide:
- 1/4 cup fresh cranberries
- 1/4 cup fresh blueberries
- 8 ounces of pure water and clean
- 1/2 pear.
You can make this cocktail with two simple ways. Soak the fruit in water for overnight and drinking water as well as fruit. Another way is to blend all fruits to be a fresh juice. The second way is good for those of you who want to intake more fiber in the body.
It is a natural detox juice that you can drink every day to improve your health.
11. Cranberry with Green Tea
Other Cranberry Juice Detox Recipes is a mixture of green tea with cranberry. They have in common, so it is very well put together in a glass as a health drink to remove toxins. Antioxidants are compounds found in these two materials. They will work to fight free radicals that cause cell damage.
In addition, green tea is known for its ability to prevent cancer, anti-inflammatory and increase metabolism.
- 1/4 fresh cranberries that have crushed
- 1 cup of Green Tea
Brewed green tea above cranberries that have been destroyed. Then wait for 3 minutes. After that strain the beverage to be easily absorbed by the body. This recipe is very cheap and you can customize with your favorite green tea.
Cranberry juice detox recipes is good for weight loss and increase stamina (by adding other herbs).
12. Kale and Cranberries Smoothie
This detox drinks made with combine two types of super foods; kale and cranberries. Consuming a glass of this smoothie is able to provide nutrients and vitamins as your daily needs.
Combination between Cranberry and kale will produce a green smoothie. This drink was popular in some places, beside the tastes is good, its also have benefits for health.
Kale is a great vegetable to health, the benefits of kale really unbelievable because it contains a lot of iron, vitamin K, and contains lots of fiber and low in calories. For those of you who do not like kale juice, you can mix kale and cranberry juice for detox. It is will produce vegetable juice with fruit flavors.
Provide materials:
- 1/2 cup fresh cranberries
- 1/4 cup fresh Blueberries
- 1/2 cup Kale
- 1/2 cup Coconut Milk + Ice
Kale’s great benefits for health will be more attractive when combine with cranberry that is rich in antioxidant. It is a green smoothie that you should try to help the body’s metabolism.
13. Cranberry and Berries Fruit Detox Juice
Furthermore, cranberry juice detox recipes are a combination of cranberries and other berries fruit. So, instead of cranberry alone have great benefits for health but also other berry fruit. Berries such as Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries also contain many antioxidants that either serve as a detox drink.
Make a detox juice from berries have multiple benefits, in addition load to its nutrition can also get a lot of fiber which is good for digestion. Here’s how to make juice detox combination of a few berries.
- 1/4 cup Fresh Cranberries
- 1/4 cup Fresh Raspberries or Blackberries
- 1/4 cup Fresh Blueberries
- 1/2 cup Coconut Water
Berries are very good for juicing because it tastes sweet and contains many natural nutrients. In this detox juice we did not use pure water but we use coconut water that will provide multiple benefits for you.
14. Spice Cranberry Juice Detox
Cranberry combined with ancient spice is one of the cranberry juice detox recipes that are worth consideration. The herb has been used in practice in Ayurveda medicine for thousands of years ago.
This spice mixture makes cranberry be spicy and different one. This juice will improve heart function, while turmeric will provide antioxidant support for the relief of inflammation.
Materials needed:
- 1/2 cup Fresh Cranberries
- 1 tsp Turmeric
- 1 cup Purified Water
- 1/2 tsp Cumin
- 1/2 tsp Fennel
Heat water to boil, and pour into a glass with contain spice. Toss well and let stand for 1 minute. Then in another cup, mash cranberry and pour spice water into cranberry and stir for 1 minute. This is an unique drinks that will keep you hooked and this drink will clean up toxins in the body thanks to herbs and spices.
See also: Benefits of Sugarcane Juice
Those are some of the benefits of drinking cranberry juice as well as some of the possible side effects that it causes.