The health benefits of avocado – The avocado is one of the best fruit with a delicious taste. Fibrous flesh from avocado fruit is very good in dealing with health problems, especially in handling the body’s digestion.
Health benefits of avocado are no doubt and almost of people have proved it. Beside to high fiber content in avocado, this amazing fruit also contains a lot of healthy fats or vegetable fats that are good for body health.
Avocado fruit claimed as healthy fruit. According to the result, people who frequently eat avocado has a healthier body than who did not. At least, more than 20 nutrients are contained in the avocado flesh, so health benefits of avocado no doubt. The nutrients are vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium.
Also, avocados Contains fiber, protein, and some benefits of phytochemicals like beta-sitosterol, glutathione, and Latin, they may protect against various diseases. So, what are amazing benefits of avocado? Let us see below
Amazing Health Benefits of Avocado
1. Maintaining a healthy heart
One way for keeping your heart still healthy is eating a heart-healthy fruit like avocados. The fruit contains vitamin B6 and folic acid, it will regulate the stability of homocysteine. Because if high homocysteine in the body, the risk of heart disease will be greater.
Besides, avocados fruit also contain E vitamin, glutathione, and monounsaturated fats, which very good for your heart health. With various nutrients from the avocado, the fruit is very well served as a healthy fruit for the family. You can consume avocado directly or by the process into a glass of juice.
2. Lowering blood cholesterol
Others health benefits of avocado are a helps to lower blood cholesterol. Avocado fruit is a fruit that contains a lot of beta-sitosterol. Beta-sitosterol plays a role in lowering blood cholesterol, so that the disease due to cholesterol, such as stroke, heart, can reduce the risk.
These avocado benefits have been proving by scientists in patients with hypercholesterolemia. Patients with this disease entering the avocado in the diet for seven days.
In this times show that the levels of bad cholesterol down for a few percentages, while the good cholesterol increases a few percents.
3. Caring for skin beauty
Avocados fruit is also advantages for maintaining the health and the beauty of the skin. Avocado oil is a healthy oil that plays a role in this case. Avocado oil shall keep the skin from dullness and rough, so avocado oil now has included in some beauty products.
Beside to softening and beautify the skin, the health benefits of avocado oil are helpful in treating psoriasis, psoriasis is a disease that makes the skin looks red and irritated.
4. Eliminate bad breath
The health benefits of avocado also can be a natural ingredient in keeping the breath smell fresh. Bad breath is caused by intestinal dirty, or by teeth that are not brushing.
When this happens, it will feel the breath odor and disturbing. Avocado is a fruit that can solve the bad breath problem because the avocado will clean your intestines and stomach.
5. Helps absorption of nutrients
By consuming avocado regularly or put avocado in the diet, it shall help better absorption of nutrients in the body. The research revealed that people who include avocado fruit in the salad will absorb the nutrients to fivefold.
It’s real differences to people who do not put the avocado in the salad. Look, how many huge the health benefits of avocado fruits!
6. Fight free radicals
This magical fruit has a substance called glutathione, and this is a powerful substance that can fight free radicals in the body.
7. Anti-aging fruit
Another health benefits of avocados are kept the body stay young, the high antioxidant in avocados will fight all symptoms of premature aging. While the content of glutathione in avocado fruit will boost the immunity, slow the aging process and keep the nervous system still healthy.
8. Prevent birth defects
Others health benefit of avocado is to prevent birth defects. Avocados fruits are also good for consumption by pregnant women because it contains a lot of folic. Folic has the great role of the fetus in preventing fetal defects, such as neural tube smallpox and spina bifida.
So pregnant mother should consume lots of avocado fruit for her and fetus health
9. Reduce the risk of stroke
Other useful of avocado is to reduce the risk of stroke. A study reveals that avocado is fruit rich in folate, it may reduce the risk of stroke.
10. Protect against cancer
Prostate cancer is a very dangerous disease and very scary. One of the health benefits of avocado reduces the risk of the body against prostate cancer. Also, oleic acid present in avocados is also good in preventing breast cancer occurs.
11. Prevent Prostate Cancer, Breast, and Oral
From the findings, reveal that the avocado is good for preventing cancer. Acid Oil content in the fruit is instrumental in preventing the formation of cancer cells, such as prostate cancer, oral and breast cancer. Not just oil obtain within, there are many substances in avocados are working to ward off the growth of abnormal cells.
12. Maintaining eye health
Avocado also has a good benefits for eye health. The contain of substances called lutein in avocado fruit makes this fruit good for eye health, lutein will prevent the eyes from cataracts.
13. Set the blood cholesterol
Beta-sitosterol is an essential content in avocados. The content of beta-sitosterol makes the benefits of avocado important in regulating levels of cholesterol in the blood. It is evident from the reduction of cholesterol and phospholipids concentration of about 20% when consumed every day.
14. Maintain the liver and heart health
Avocado benefits for heart health are known from high folate content in avocado. One cup of avocado juice has been able to maintain the stability of your body till 23% of the daily folate requirement.
Besides, Avocados also contain monounsaturated fats and glutathione. Also, vitamin E in avocado is also very beneficial to the health of the human heart. Green fruit is also great as the food for stroke patients.
15. Skin Lightening
The fruit is also very beneficial for the skin, brighten the skin. Glutamine, amino acid content, would provide enough protection from some dangerous effects due to environmental factors. Also, vitamin A will clean the skin of any dead cells.

16. Helps absorption of nutrients
Avocados are useful in improving the absorption of certain nutrients, coupled with the benefits of avocado to improve the digestive system. Also, the avocado is also beneficial in preventing constipation and maintain weight.
17. Source Glutathione
Avocado benefits for health and beauty in preventing premature aging. Avocado is a rich source of glutathione, and antioxidants are important in preventing aging, cancer, and health problems in the heart. Besides, vitamin E can maintain a wide range of health issues.
18. Reduce Wrinkles
Antioxidants in avocado detoxify your body to issue all the poisons or toxins that tend to make your skin becomes wrinkled or dried while early age. It can also help remove wrinkles and make your skin more radiant.
19. Nourish the Skin
Benefits of avocado for healthy skin. Avocado with nutrients makes the skin glowing and healthy naturally. Skin experts recommend us to consume avocado juice to overcome the dull skin and turn it into sparkling. Avocado juice is a natural beverage that is useful to overcome dry skin.
20. Overcoming Hypertension
Avocado juice also provides benefits for patients that suffer hypertension, for those of you who feel no complaints with this problem, try the avocado juice regularly consumed in moderate amounts.
21. Sources of nutrients
Avocado juice is a source of nutrients for the body. One cup of avocado juice can nourish your body with eleven different vitamins and minerals essential fourteen including potassium, iron, phosphorus, and much more.

22. Rejuvenating Scalp
Benefits of avocado for beauty and health. Avocado oil is useful for keeping hair beauty with a rejuvenating scalp. So, avocado is beneficial to revitalize dry hair, damaged and do not animate, so the hair looked shiny and maintained their health. Besides, avocado oil is also a source of protein, amino acids, and vitamins that much.
23. Moisturize Skin
Benefits of avocado for beauty. Avocado can moisturize the skin, now many beauty products contain avocado juice, so can moisturize the skin, and dry skin retains moisture.
24. Improve the skin’s immune system
Benefits of avocado for beauty can also keep skin healthy and moist, and prevent the skin from stress and other hazards. The content of vitamin E in avocado keeps your skin healthy and immune to skin disorders.
25. Hair Mask
Another benefit from avocado is as a material for the hair mask. Avocado can be used as a hair mask by combining with the egg yolks, olive oil, and yogurt. All these ingredients can nourish hair, moisturize the scalp, rejuvenating scalp, and also revitalized.
Also see: Benefits of Avocado Leaves
Health Benefits of Eating Avocado and Aloe Vera Juice
Ok, now we see the health benefits of drinks that we made earlier (Combination between avocado and Aloe Vera Juice)
26. Increase brain activity
The Juice that we have created earlier is rich in potassium content. It gives the benefits to make neurotransmitter in the brain to be healthy and active. It gives a vigilance to the person as well as increase the memory.
See more: 7 herbs for improving brain health
27. Improve Heart Health
Furthermore, the health benefits of eating avocado mixture with Aloe Vera juice is to increase blood flow to the heart as well as keeping your vital organs remain healthy. This natural beverage contains antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids.
28. Preventing colon cancer
Home herbal is also beneficial to maintain intestinal health and awake of colon cancer dangers. This natural beverage rich in fiber, so that toxins in the body can be removed easily through the feces. As a result, the body avoids the risk of colon cancer.
29. Increase endurance
This natural juice contains anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant. So, useful to boost immunity and maintain various types of diseases that may occur.
30. Reduce the risk of cholesterol
The Aloe Vera juice that mixture with Avocado useful for lowering triglyceride levels in the body up to 20%. It makes the level of cholesterol in the body is stable.
31. Prevent Arthritis
The combination of Aloe Vera juice and avocado provides anti-inflammatory properties that are useful to relax the muscles and keep it healthy. Healthy muscle can be spared from arthritis and pain in the body.
32. Improve eyesight
Lutein and zeaxanthin are two types of substances that exist in this natural drinks. Both types of these substances are good for the eyes and strengthen quarantine pest nerve function. So make sure you drink like this and always drank a mixture of both natural materials in your home.
Other Benefits of Avocado Fruits
Avocados are one of the fruits that are included in the list of healthy fruits. The health benefits of avocado have been recognized throughout the world. The green fruit has a large effect in lowering cholesterol, maintaining blood pressure, prevent heart disease, stroke and preserve the health of the body remain normal.
Not just end here, the health benefits of avocado with vitamin E is exquisite for healthy skin and hair. So often we hear avocado used as raw material for skin beauty products.
The magnitude of the health benefits of avocado is certainly not independent of the nutrient contained therein. Among the nutrients are protein, potassium, vitamins E, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B6 and vitamin C, fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper. One of the compounds that are good for health is polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-3 and monounsaturated fats.
To get the health benefits of avocado, you can consume this fruit as juice, or by eating it directly. The nutrient content will work to spruce up your health from the inside.
Also read: Carb in avocado
34. Keeping the skin from dryness
The fatty acid content in avocados play role in moisturizing the skin from the inside, keep your skin from drying. Perform the following steps to get the skin moist with avocado benefits.
- 2 Mash avocado with a spoon until completely smooth
- Then mix the avocado with a little honey collision
- Next, take and apply the mixture on your skin, let stand for 20-30 minutes.
- Rinse with warm water and dry
- Use this mixture 2-3 times a week
- Consuming avocado on a regular basis are also able to keep the skin from drying.
35. Preventing dry hair
The health benefits of avocado also to prevent dry hair. The difficult hair to set and dry are very annoying. The content of nutrients and vitamins and proteins in avocados will finish your hair problem. Even can calm curly hair.
- Open avocado and mash until destroyed
- Enter jojoba oil, wheat oil, each 1 tablespoon
- The herb is applied to the hair, starting from the tip to the roots of the hair
- Let stand for 30 minutes, cover your head with a shower cap.
- When cleaning, shampoo your hair to clean
- Use this mixture two times a week
36. Prevents premature aging
The health benefits of avocado to prevent aging. The content of antioxidants in avocados is very much, so it is great for preventing free radicals in the body and prevent premature aging. Avocado is also useful for producing collagen, so your skin firm and elastic.
In addition to the above, try to massage your skin with avocado oil for a few times a week, this will help your skin firmness.
See more: Health benefits of corn oil
37. Fade acne scars and dark spots on the face
Avocados can disguise the scars, because of acne, wounds, burns, eczema or scratches. The benefit of avocado is derived from the content of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acid content is known to accelerate the formation of new skin tissue, thus eliminating scarring and accelerate wound healing.
- Prepare as much as 1/2 avocado, lemon juice as much as 1/2, and enter a few capsules of vitamin E, blend all this material up into a paste.
- Rinse skin with warm water and dry
- Massage this mixture of avocado in place with acne scars
- This herb let stand until dry, wash with warm water
- Do this 4 times a week, for maximum results as you wish.
38. Reduce Wrinkles
Wrinkles are signs of aging, you can reduce wrinkles by using avocado. Avocados are rich in vitamin E, amino acids. Both of these materials will produce collagen that can cope with wrinkles.
- Mash ripe avocado with a spoon, mash until smooth
- Mix almond oil, 1-2 teaspoons
- Apply the paste of avocado was the entire skin
Avocado Benefits for Skin
Benefits of avocado fruit not only for health alone, but also the benefits of avocado is now applied to beauty needs. For women, this is certainly very pleasant, beauty care using only the avocado.
The benefits of avocado for beauty can be obtained by eating, or by applying directly to the skin. Nutrient content and various vitamins, such as vitamin E in avocado make this fruit has a double benefit when eaten, in addition to health, it also beneficial for skin beauty. Here’s the reason, why avocado good for beauty.
Here are some reasons why avocado is beneficial for skin beauty.
39. It contains a lot of fats
You do not need to be surprised by the fat in avocados. Fat content in avocados is monounsaturated fats that are beneficial to health, not Tran fat that dangerous for health. Unsaturated fat in avocados is useful to keep the top of the skin, so the skin always looks moist and not dry.
40. It contains a lot of anti-oxidants
The benefits of avocado for skin beauty cannot be separated from the content of antioxidants. Anti-oxidants will keep the body and skin from free radicals. Free radicals occur when the skin is exposed to pollution. Body cells will be damaged, but the presence of avocado nutrition such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and antioxidants, the free radicals will counteract by avocado.
Anti-oxidants in the avocado is Carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C. Carotene is useful to promote the body’s water and maintaining skin elasticity. While vitamin E is beneficial to protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet. Vitamin C in avocado is also very useful for making collagen, collagen is the main structural compound and a source of skin elasticity and firmness.
41. Contain biotin
Furthermore, another reason that avocado good for skin beauty is biotin content. For information, avocado contains about 2 to 6 micro-grams of biotin or between 6 and 16% of the recommended daily intake.
Biotin is a vitamin B7, which is part of the vitamin B complex, all of these are necessary for skin health. The body that is less intake of biotin can cause dry skin, scaly, red rash even experience.
Avocado Uses for Skin Beauty
42. Softens the skin
You can use avocado for home skin care. Apply mashed avocado flesh throughout your body. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes and wash with warm water by taking bath, in this way, avocado oil will soften the skin. You can also apply the avocado flesh on your face to remove the signs of aging.
43. As a facial cleanser
Benefits of avocado for facial beauty. This recipe is useful to clean the skin pores and cleanse the skin of impurities and excess oil. To make a facial cleanser with avocado, you can add one egg yolk, a half cup of milk, and a half of avocado.
Beat eggs until frothy, then add the smooth avocado flesh and milk. Mix well as lotion. Use this mixture to clean your face regularly. This is will eliminate harmful toxins from your skin and make the skin look younger and radiant.
44. Oily skin mask
Furthermore, the benefits of avocados for skin beauty is to make a face mask, to make this mask you need lemon, egg white, and half avocado flesh. Lemon is useful as a natural astringent and controller of oil production by the skin, while the egg to whiten and nourish skin with high protein content. While avocado oil serves to balance the mix.
Avocado, egg, lemon juice and egg is blended until smooth into a fine paste. Use this mask on your skin for twenty minutes before rinsing with warm water.
45. Useful as Moisturizer
To make this mask, the necessary materials are avocados, honey, and yogurt to clean and soften the skin and tighten skin pores.
Read more:
Prepare the meat of 2 pieces of avocado. Then add yogurt and honey and mix well. Apply the mixture as a face mask and leave on for fifteen minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
The Avocado Usefulness for Baby
Avocados are not only healthy consumed by adults, but avocados are also good for the health of your baby. Avocados contain essential vitamins, minerals, and unsaturated fat, easily digested by infants, good for liver protection, offers antioxidants, controlling inflammation, healing wounds quickly and this is believed as anti-microbial fruits.
Avocado has a shape similar to a pear, but the avocado has a large seed in its fruit. Avocados have a hard shell that encloses a soft flesh like butter. Avocados are very useful consumed by anyone, including your baby.
Avocado is a native fruit to Mexico, and South America. European nations are familiar with avocado since the Spanish conquest of America. Then avocado was growing and popular throughout Europe until around the world. Avocados are now cultivated in tropical regions around the world. The name “avocado” comes from the Spanish language “aguacate”.
In addition to America and the Mediterranean. Avocado popular as healthy fruits that can be found in countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, South India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand as well. Now, Mexico is the highest producer of avocado in the world, then Followed by the United States, Spain, South Africa, Chile, and Israel.
Nutrition in avocado
Avocado health benefits for a baby cannot be ignored, because of the extraordinary nutrient content therein. Here are some nutrients that found in avocados that make it a healthy fruit.
- Nutrition Value per 100 g Nutrition Value per 100 g
- Water 72.33 g Energy 167 kcal
- Protein 1.96 g Total Lipid 15.41 g
- Carbohydrate 8.64 g Fiber 6.8 g
- Sugars 0.3 g Calcium 13 mg
- Iron 0.61 mg Magnesium 29 mg
- Phosphorus 54 mg Potassium 507 mg
- Sodium 8 mg Zinc 0.68 mg
- Vitamin C 8.8 mg Thiamin 0.075 mg
- Niacin 1.91 mg Vitamin B-6 0.28 mg
- Folate 89 ug Vitamin A 147 IU
- Vitamin E 1.97 mg Vitamin K 21 ug
So, at what age a baby is given avocado?
As explained above, that the avocado health benefits for baby are enormous, so that health experts suggest to give avocado for infants.
Avocado contains much-unsaturated fat that right for baby’s vision and baby’s brain development. However, you have to pay attention to the age of the child as well so that nutrients can be absorbed by baby maximally. Avocados should be given to infants at the age of 6-8 months.
46. Provides essential vitamins and minerals
Avocado is a fruit with most nutrient content, so consume the avocado can provide many essential nutrients for the body such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, vitamin B-6, niacin, thiamin, calcium, iron, magnesium phosphorous, potassium, zinc, and sodium. Vitamins and minerals are critical for baby development.
47. Provide unsaturated fats
Avocado health benefits for baby in the development of eye and brain health. The content of unsaturated fat in avocados can provide tremendous benefits for the baby, in particular for the development of baby’s vision and brain development.
48. Avocado is digestible
Babies have weak digestion, unlike adults. However, avocados can still be digested by the baby’s digestion, because the texture is soft and fibrous. Avocados are also useful for controlling the stomach and eliminate flatulence. To get this benefit, you can consume avocado directly or in juice.
49. Protects the liver
Avocado health benefits for babies in protecting the liver. Consuming avocados regularly can protect the liver from damage, such as hepatitis disease, liver, and others. For children who suffer from heart disease, keep it away from solid food so as not to aggravate the health.
50. Contains antioxidants
Antioxidants not only contained in raspberry fruit or Acela, but avocados also include antioxidant-rich fruit. Antioxidants can protect the skin from cell damage, or dead skin.
51. Control of inflammation
Avocado also helpful in controlling inflammations. Inflammation of the skin can be overcome by eating avocados. Babies are usually very comfortable in inflammation, because their skin is still gaunt, to overcome this problem recommended to consume avocados for infant regularly.
52. Accelerate wound healing
In addition to inflammation, avocados are also good in accelerating wound healing.
53. Antimicrobial properties
Furthermore, as an anti-microbial fruit avocado save much health benefits for the baby. The extracts from the avocado fruit have been tested on different bacterial exertions. Observations revealed that avocado extracts were controlled bacterial Significantly.
Avocado Seed Health Benefits
Avocado contains 14 minerals and 11 vitamins that are beneficial to the body. Avocados are rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin C, protein, vitamin B3 (niacin), and potassium (potassium). Also, avocados also can maintain heart health. Avocado benefits not only the flesh of the fruit but also in the seeds. Its seed is also excellent for your health.
Avocado plants including important in the health world, because from his trunk to have health benefits. The trunk good for using as fuel, the bark is useful as a brown dye for various products such as bags, jackets, and shoes.
While the benefits of avocado leaves are medicinal bladder stones, headaches, stomach pains, high blood pressure, respiratory swollen and an irregular menstrual. The fruit can be useful as food, beauty ingredient, and cosmetic raw materials.
While the benefits of avocado seed in the clothing industry are used as a dye that is not easy to fade, in the world of health, benefits of the avocado seed is to treat toothache and diabetes.
The benefits of avocado seed for diabetes is already popular. However, there are also people who do not know. Then we will explain how to make the avocado seed as a diabetes medicine.
Take the avocado and remove the seeds, and then roasted on the fire, then cut into small pieces, and then boiled until boiling water change to brown. After a cold, drink as a medicine.
Other health benefits of avocado seed are to treat stomach ulcers, able to relieve stress, able to treat canker sores, and can eliminate pain.